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Sinus Elevation Techniques: Crestal and lateral Approach

Faculty: Dr. Mark Bishara

Location: 513 Brock Street North, Whitby, L1N 4J1

Dates: Nov 29 2025


CE Points: 7

AGD Subject Code: 690

Breakfast, Break and Lunch Included

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The maxillary and mandibular posterior edentulous region can present a challenging condition for dental implant placement. Whether it be the pneumatization of the sinus cavity in the maxillary posterior region or thin bone patterns due to resorption in both the maxillary and mandibular regions, the amount of bone necessary for an implant supported restoration may be compromised. These problems can be overcome by sinus grafting procedures, guided bone regeneration (GBR) techniques/materials, and/or ridge expansion/splitting in horizontally compromised situations.


For the posterior maxilla, dental implant reconstruction for advanced alveolar ridge atrophy has become possible through bone grafting procedures involving the maxillary sinus. This procedure involves augmentation of either the internal or the external aspects of the sinus, or both. With the advent of new surgical techniques and materials sinus augmentation has become a predictable and often minimally invasive treatment. The sinus portion of this presentation will focus on the classic lateral approach as well as the more modern internal or crestal approach using hydraulic, osseodensification, neurosurgical and piezoelectric technologies.

  • Sinus Hands on Exercises

    • Learn about the armamentarium needed to perform these procedures, surgical kits for bone and sinus

    • Learn how to utilize autologous growth factors

    • All procedures will be shown on video and practical hands-on training will be performed on models/ specimens including piezo surgery

Learning Objectives:
1.    Understand the history and rational of sinus elevation techniques
2.    Treatment plan and understand the protocol needed including patient selection
3.    Learn and perform hands on the steps required for sinus elevation
4.    Dealing with complications

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Dr. Mark Bishara completed his undergraduate studies in medical biophysics, at the University of Western Ontario and was a gold medal recipient as top graduate of his program. He went on to complete his Doctor of Dental Surgery degree at the Schulich School of Medicine and Dentistry. Since graduating, he practices in the Durham region with a focus on digital workflow, dental implants, bone grafting material regeneration and tissue regeneration. He currently collaborates with members of the Miron Lab in the United States on tissue regeneration utilizing Platelet Rich Fibrin(PRF). He is a published author on PRF , immediate dental implants and clinical applications. He is the President and founder of the Canadian Implant Dentistry Network (CIDN), Canada’s largest dental implant community with over 13,000 members focused on advancing implant dentistry . He can be reached at


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